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Scientists Reveal the Behaviors of Non-traditional Stable Isotope in Immiscible Silica-melts in a Mafic Magma Chamber(2015-12-30)
Research progress on human MeHg exposure via rice consumption(2015-12-29)
Scientists Reveal Transboundary Transport and Deposition of Hg Emission from Biomass Burning in the Indo-China Peninsula(2015-09-30)
Investigating Isotope Fractionation Caused by the Nuclear Volume Effect(2015-09-29)
Factors Controlling the Behavior and Stable Carbon Isotope Composition Changes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in SW China Karst Catchments(2015-07-14)
Exploring the molecular-level mechanism of isotope fractionation in high temperature silica melts with temperature gradients(2015-05-14)
Silicon and Fe-Mg diffusivities in mantle minerals predicted by the thermodynamic calculations(2015-05-04)
Investigating the Processes of Selenium Uptake in Rice Plants in Mercury Mining Areas of China(2015-03-27)
Li Isotopes Shed New Light on the Functioning of the Earth’s Weathering Engine(2015-03-25)
“Anthropophile elements” Newly Proposed by Institute of Geochemistry CAS for Elements Strongly Impacted by Human Activities(2015-01-12)
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