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Research Progress
CO2 mineralization induced by fungal nitrate assimilation(2011-04-07)
Nitrogen isotope variations in camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora) leaves of different ages in upper and lower canopies as an indicator of atmospheric nitrogen sources(2011-04-07)
A porphyritic copper (gold) ore-forming model for the Shaxi-Changpushan district, Lower Yangtze metallogenic belt, China: geological and geochemical constraints(2011-04-07)
Geochemistry of gold deposits in the Zhangbaling Tectonic Belt, Anhui province, China(2011-04-06)
He and Ar isotopic compositions and genetic implications for the giant Shizhuyuan W-Sn-Bi-Mo deposit, Hunan Province, South China(2011-04-06)
Review of the stable isotope geochemistry of Mesozoic igneous rocks and Cu-Au deposits along the middle-lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China(2011-04-06)
Timing and source constraints on the relationship between mafic and felsic intrusions in the Emeishan large igneous province(2011-04-02)
Estimates of dry and wet deposition using tissue N contents and N-15 natural abundance in epilithic mosses in atmospheric NHy-dominated areas(2011-04-02)
Cs-137 Redistribution in Thin Stony Soil of a Carbonate Rock Slope in Southwest China(2011-04-02)
Acid rain and acidification in Chengdu - A severe polluted city over the world(2011-03-31)
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