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Review of the stable isotope geochemistry of Mesozoic igneous rocks and Cu-Au deposits along the middle-lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China TEXT SIZE: A A A

Ore deposition took place in the Yangtze Valley episodically during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, generating approximately 200 polymetallic Cu-Fe-Au, Mo, Zn, Pb, and Ag deposits. We analysed the stable isotopes of sulphur, oxygen, and hydrogen from the Cu-Au deposits and correlated our new data with published stable isotope for associated Yanshanian (Mesozoic) igneous rocks. The latter bears a close relationship to Cu-Au mineralization in the area. Cu-Au deposits in the middle-lower Yangtze Valley can be divided into three types: skarn, porphyry, and volcanic. The S-O-H isotopic values allow constraints to be placed on the conditions of origin of these famous Cu-Au ores and their related igneous rocks. Sulphur from the sulphide ores mostly was derived from a magmatic source; however, a few deposits reflect a sedimentary source of sulphur. Oxygen isotope values in quartz from the Shaxi porphyry Cu-Au deposit and from the Tongling skarn Cu-Au deposits range from 2.6 parts per thousand to 12.5 parts per thousand and from -1.3 parts per thousand to 24.5 parts per thousand, respectively; these values represent larger variations compared with those from other Cu-Au deposits in this metallogenic belt. Hydrogen versus oxygen isotope plots of the Cu-Au ore-forming fluids demonstrate that the fluids came from different sources: the most important involved the mixing of magmatic and meteoric water; the second most important was strictly magmatic water; and the third most important may have been a mixture of formation water or meteoric water that had reacted with carbonate wall rocks.

 Publication name  INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW  Volume: 53  Issue: 5-6  Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI  Pages: 741-757   Published: 2011
 Author(s)  Yang, Xiao-Yong; Lee, Insung
 Corresponding author  

 YANG, Xiao-Yong
 1. Univ Sci & Technol China, Sch Earth & Space Sci, CAS Key Lab Crust Mantle Mat & Environm, Hefei 230026, Peoples R   China
 2. Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geochem, State Key Lab Ore Deposit Geochem, Guiyang 550002, Peoples R China

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