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Research Progress
The equilibria of bisolute sorption on soil(2011-05-30)
Characterization of mercury species in brown and white rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in water-saving paddies(2011-05-25)
Sulfur isotopic signatures in rainwater and moss Haplocladium microphyllum indicating atmospheric sulfur sources in Nanchang City (SE China)(2011-05-24)
In-situ control of oxygen fugacity for laboratory measurements of electrical conductivity of minerals and rocks in a multi-anvil press(2011-05-24)
Raman OH stretching band of water as an internal standard to determine carbonate concentrations(2011-05-24)
Theoretical calculations for the important equilibrium Se isotope fractionation parameters(2011-05-13)
Hg(II) adsorption by Bacillus mucilaginosus: mechanism and equilibrium parameters(2011-05-13)
Seasonal variation and sources of low molecular weight organic acids in precipitation in the rural area of Anshun(2011-05-11)
The Process of Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)(2011-05-11)
Equilibrium Se isotope fractionation parameters: A first-principles study(2011-05-10)
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