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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
The importance of non-carbonate mineral weathering as a soil formation mechanism within a karst weathering profile in the SPECTRA Critical Zone Observatory, Guizhou Province, China (Vol.36, No.3)(2017-11-06)
Chemical characteristics of rainwater in karst rural areas, Guizhou Province, Southwest China (Vol.36, No.3)(2017-11-06)
Average iron isotopic compositions of the upper continental crust: constrained by loess from the Chinese Loess Plateau (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
Adakitic rocks associated with the Shilu copper–molybdenum deposit in the Yangchun Basin, South China, and their tectonic implications (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
Ore-forming elements diffusion and distribution in the altered host rock surrounding the Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite in the Chinese Altay (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
Geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the late Triassic A-type granite in Fujian, South China (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
The influence of atmospheric Hg on Hg contaminations in rice and paddy soil in the Xunyang Hg mining district, China (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
The δ15 N response and nitrate assimilation of Orychophragmus violaceus and Brassica napus plantlets in vitro during the multiplication stage cultured under different nitrate concentrations(2017-07-12)
A practical soil management to improve soil quality by applying mineral organic fertilizer (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
Responses of antioxidant defense system of epilithic mosses to drought stress in karst rock desertified areas (Vol.36, No.2)(2017-07-12)
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