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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Silicon isotope fractionation during the precipitation of quartz and the adsorption of H4SiO4(aq) on Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide surfaces (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Distribution and existing state of indium in the Gejiu Tin polymetallic deposit, Yunnan Province, SW China (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
The occurrence state of vanadium in the black shale-hosted vanadium deposits in Shangling of Guangxi Province, China (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Levels and spatial distribution of heavy metals in urban dust in China (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Experimental data for high-temperature decomposition of natural celadonite from banded iron formation (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Geochemical characteristics of Carboniferous volcanic rocks from the Wulungu-Luliang area, Junggar basin: constraints on magma source and tectonic setting (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
S, C, O, H, and Pb isotopic studies for the Shuiyindong Carlin-type gold deposit, Southwest Guizhou, China: constraints for ore genesis (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Research on the ecological risk of heavy metals in the soil around a Pb–Zn mine in the Huize County, China (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Identification of the four rearranged hopane series in geological bodies and their geochemical significances (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
Study of an Early Silurian–Early Permian paleo-weathering profile in Zunyi, north Guizhou Province, China (Vol.34, No.4)(2015-11-05)
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