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Plagioclase crystallisation in a granodioritic melt and its petrogenetic implications for the origin of the A-type granite in East Junggar, NW China(2018-05-31)
Use of Mercury Isotopes to Quantify Mercury Exposure Sources in Inland Populations, China(2018-05-31)
In Situ Electrochemical Investigation of Acidic Pressure Oxidation of Pyrite at 160-240 degrees C(2018-05-28)
Fukushima Review II on Migration of radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident(2018-05-28)
Effects of Fe-S-As coupled redox processes on arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of Datong Basin, northern China(2018-05-17)
Comparing Estimation Methods for Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Small Karst Watersheds(2018-05-17)
Identification of ca. 850 Ma high-temperature strongly peraluminous granitoids in southeastern Guizhou Province, South China: A result of early extension along the southern margin of the Yangtze Block(2018-05-17)
A new estimation of China's net ecosystem productivity based on eddy covariance measurements and a model tree ensemble approach(2018-05-17)
Formation of the Neoproterozoic ophiolites in southern China: New constraints from trace element and PGE geochemistry and Os isotopesa(2018-05-17)
Ca. 1050 Ma intra-continental rift-related A-type felsic rocks in the southwestern Yangtze Block, South China(2018-05-15)
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