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High-resolution records of Be-10 in endogenic travertine from Baishuitai, China: A new proxy record of annual solar activity?(2019-08-27)
Heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from Cenozoic high-Mg potassic volcanic rocks in the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan Cenozoic magmatic belt(2019-08-27)
A novel purification method for high precision measurement of Ni isotopes by double spike MC-ICP-MS(2019-08-27)
Structural Phase Transition and Metallization of Nanocrystalline Rutile Investigated by High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopy and Electrical Conductivity(2019-08-27)
Shock-induced phase transformation of anorthitic plagioclase in the eucrite meteorite Northwest Africa 2650(2019-08-27)
Factors Affecting Long-Term Trends in Global NDVI(2019-08-27)
High-pressure synthesis and thermal expansivity investigation of carbonate solid solutions Mg1-xMnxCO3(2019-08-21)
Three-dimensional magnetotelluric modelling in anisotropic media using the A-phi method(2019-08-21)
3D CSAMT modelling in anisotropic media using edge-based finite-element method(2019-08-21)
Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanocubic Pyrite Crystals Using Greigite Fe3S4 and Thiourea as Precursors(2019-08-21)
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