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Response and feedback of the Indian summer monsoon and the Southern Westerly Winds to a temperature contrast between the hemispheres during the last glacial-interglacial transitional period(2019-12-10)
Behaviors of REEs during pedogenetic processes in the karst areas of Southwest China(2019-12-09)
An A(1)-type granite that borders A(2)-type: insights from the geochemical characteristics of the Zongyang A-type granite in the Lower Yangtze River Belt, China(2019-12-06)
SERS-active Ag-Al alloy nanoparticles with tunable surface plasmon resonance induced by laser ablation(2019-12-05)
Thermoelastic Properties of Eclogitic Garnets and Omphacites: Implications for Deep Subduction of Oceanic Crust and Density Anomalies in the Upper Mantle(2019-12-03)
Terrestrial sources as the primary delivery mechanism of mercury to the oceans across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic)(2019-12-02)
Genesis of Xinzhai Sandstone-Type Copper Deposit in Northern Laos: Geological and Geochemical Evidences(2019-12-02)
Geochemical behaviors of antimony in mining-affected water environment (Southwest China)(2019-12-02)
Distribution of chemical compounds in different soil layers of rhododendron forest(2019-12-02)
Review on the Tectonic Terranes Associated with Metallogenic Zones in Southeast Asia(2019-11-29)
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