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Biochar addition can reduce NOx gas emissions from a calcareous soil(2020-03-06)
Discovery of nanophase iron particles and high pressure clinoenstatite in a heavily shocked ordinary chondrite: Implications for the decomposition of pyroxene(2020-03-05)
Selenium isotope fractionation during adsorption by Fe, Mn and Al oxides(2020-03-05)
Almond and walnut shell-derived biochars affect sorption-desorption, fractionation, and release of phosphorus in two different soils(2020-03-03)
Chemical characterization and source analysis of water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 from a plateau city of Kunming at different seasons(2020-03-02)
Leaching efficiency of sulfuric acid on selective lithium leachability from bauxitic claystone(2020-02-29)
Anthropogenic influences on mercury in Chinese soil and sediment revealed by relationships with total organic carbon(2020-02-29)
Experimental study on the electrical properties of carbonaceous slate: a special natural rock with unusually high conductivity at high temperatures and pressures(2020-02-29)
Rb-Sr isotopic age, S-Pb-Sr isotopic compositions and genesis of the ca. 200 Ma Yunluheba Pb-Zn deposit in NW Guizhou Province, SW China(2020-02-29)
The relationship between indium and tin, copper, lead and zinc in granite and its significance to indium mineralization(2020-02-28)
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