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Aqueous alteration of the Vastitas Borealis Formation at the Tianwen-1 landing site(2022-11-30)
Iron-Modified Biochar Strengthens Simazine Adsorption and Decreases Simazine Decomposition in the Soil(2022-11-25)
Morphological differentiation characteristics and classification criteria of lunar surface relief amplitude(2022-11-23)
Study on the occurrence state and enrichment mechanism of lithium in lithium-rich clay rock series of the Daoshitou Formation of Lower Permian in Central Yunnan(2022-11-23)
Review on treatment and utilization of barium slag in China(2022-11-23)
The core-merging giant impact in Earth's accretion history and its implications(2022-11-22)
W-182 anomalies in mantle: a brief review(2022-11-22)
The escape mechanisms of the proto-atmosphere on terrestrial planets: "boil-off" escape, hydrodynamic escape and impact erosion(2022-11-22)
Geochemical models of core-mantle differentiation(2022-11-22)
Electrical and thermal conductivity of Earth's core and its thermal evolution-A review(2022-11-22)
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