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An exploration of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for in situ detection of sulfite under high pressure(2019-11-22)
The effect of P-T on the reaction between tonalitic melt and mantle lherzolite at 2-4 GPa and implications for evolution of North China Cratonic Lithosphere and generation of High Mg# andesite(2019-11-22)
Nonmonotonic Postdeglacial Relative Sea Level Changes at the Aftermath of Marinoan (635 Ma) Snowball Earth Meltdown(2019-11-20)
Temperature-induced phase transition of Ca2AlSiO5.5: Raman spectroscopic study(2019-11-20)
Ar-Ar dating of mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang uranium ore field in northern Guangdong, South China: A reevaluation of the role of mafic dyke in uranium mineralization(2019-11-20)
Zoned orthopyroxenes in the Ni-Co sulfide ore-bearing Xiarihamu mafic-ultramafic intrusion in northern Tibetan Plateau, China: Implications for multiple magma replenishments(2019-11-20)
Geological, geochemical characteristics and genesis of Longwan uranium deposit, Sansui, Guizhou Province(2019-11-20)
In-situ mineral chemistry and chronology analyses of the pitchblende in the Shazijiang uranium deposit and their implications for mineralization(2019-11-19)
Several progresses in the study of uranium deposits in South China(2019-11-15)
Magmatic-Hydrothermal Origin of Mercury in Carlin-style and Epithermal Gold Deposits in China: Evidence from Mercury Stable Isotopes(2019-11-15)
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