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Research Progress
Note: Measurement method for sound velocity of melts in large volume press and its application to liquid sodium up to 2.0 GPa(2011-10-10)
Sr fluxes and (87)Sr/(86)Sr characterization of river waters from a karstic versus granitic watershed in the Yangtze River(2011-10-10)
Bacillus Mucilaginosus Can Capture Atmospheric CO(2) by Carbonic Anhydrase(2011-10-10)
IGCAS Explores Germanium Isotope Geochemistry of Ge-bearing Coals from the Lincang Super-large Ge Deposit, Yunnan, China(2011-09-26)
IGCAS Applies Stable Mercury Isotope Ratios to Trace the Sources of Environment Pollution(2011-09-21)
Potential Sources of Speciated Atmospheric Hg in Guiyang, a Typical Coal Combustion City(2011-09-20)
IGCAS Simplifies Digestion Technique for Determination of Low Concentration of Platinum Group Elements in Geological Samples(2011-09-16)
Mercury distributions and mercury isotope signatures in sediments of Dongjiang, the Pearl River Delta, China(2011-09-04)
Tracing sources of coal combustion using stable sulfur isotope ratios in epilithic mosses and coals from China(2011-09-04)
An improved digestion technique for determination of platinum group elements in geological samples(2011-09-04)
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