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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Origin and genetic family of Huhehu oil in the Hailar Basin, northeast China (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Genesis of fahlore in the Tianbaoshan lead–zinc deposit, Sichuan Province, China: a scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy study (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
The morphological characteristics of gully systems and watersheds in Dry-Hot Valley, SW China (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
State of rare earth elements in the rare earth deposits of Northwest Guizhou, China (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Does bicarbonate affect the nitrate utilization and photosynthesis of Orychophragmus violaceus? (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Distribution and geochemical significance of trace elements in shale rocks and their residual kerogens (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Data modelling for crude oil migration studies using ranking method: a rapid geo-tracer technique for geochemists (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Incorporation of silica into the goethite structure: a microscopic and spectroscopic study (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Trace element composition of magnetite from the Xinqiao Fe–S(–Cu–Au) deposit, Tongling, Eastern China: constraints on fluid evolution and ore genesis (Vol.37, No.5)(2018-09-13)
Theoretical calculation of equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation between silicate melt and its vapor (Vol.37, No.5)(2018-09-13)
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