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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Baossi–Warack monogenetic volcanoes, Adamawa Plateau, Cameroon: petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Influence of litter decomposition on iron and manganese in the sediments of wetlands for acid mine drainage treatments (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
The metallogenic environment of the Dounan manganese deposit, Southeast Yunnan, China: evidence from geochemistry and Moesbauer spectroscopic (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Petrology, geochemistry, radioactivity, and M–W type rare earth element tetrads of El Sela altered granites, south eastern desert, Egypt(Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Synthesis of zinc oxide–montmorillonite composite and its effect on the removal of aqueous lead ions (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Prospectivity modeling of porphyry copper deposits: recognition of efficient mono- and multi-element geochemical signatures in the Varzaghan district, NW Iran (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Comprehensive geochemical/hydrochemical and geo-thermometry analysis of Unai geothermal field, Gujarat, India(Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
Jurassic granitoid dike in Luodian, Guizhou Province: discovery and geological significance (Vol. 38, No.1)(2019-01-28)
The effects of clay minerals and organic matter on nanoscale pores in Lower Paleozoic shale gas reservoirs, Guizhou, China (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
Age and geochemistry of Early Ordovician A-type granites in the Northeastern Songnen Block, NE China (Vol.37 No.6)(2018-10-23)
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