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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Using trace elements of magnetite to constrain the origin of the Pingchuan hydrothermal low-Ti magnetite deposit in the Panxi area, SW China (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Mercury speciation, bioavailability and risk assessment on soil–rice systems from a watershed impacted by abandoned Hg mine-waste tailings (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Geochemistry of subsurface Late Quaternary ironstones in Rajshahi and Bogra Districts, Bangladesh: implications for genetic and depositional (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Trace element partitioning between amphibole and hydrous silicate glasses at 0.6–2.6 GPa (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Effects of mineral-organic fertilizer on the biomass of green Chinese cabbage and potential carbon sequestration ability in karst areas of Southwest (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Hydrogeochemical evaluation and statistical analysis of groundwater of Sylhet, north-eastern Bangladesh (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-09)
Correction to: The enhanced element enrichment in the supercritical states of granite–pegmatite systems (Vol. 38, No.3)(2019-05-08)
Is seawater geochemical composition recorded in marine carbonate? Evidence from iron and manganese contents in Late Devonian carbonate (Vol. 38, No.2)(2019-03-12)
Geochemical distribution, fractionation, and sources of heavy metals in dammed-river sediments: the Longjiang River, Southern China (Vol. 38, No.2)(2019-03-12)
An experimental study on metal precipitation driven by fluid mixing: implications for genesis of carbonate-hosted lead–zinc ore deposits (Vol. 38, No.2)(2019-03-12)
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