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Vol. 51, No. 2, Tot No.352 2023 TEXT SIZE: A A A
Vol. 51, No. 2, Tot No.352  2023


Research Results


The Stable H-O Isotope Characteristic of Atmospheric Precipitation and the Moisture Source Tracing in Nanchang City

ZHANG  Haifa et al


Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation in the Western Qinling Mountains

SHE Yuanyang et al


Chemical Characteristics and Evolution of Groundwater in Huanglong Spring Catchment of Aziying

FU Shu et al


Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Nutrient Elements in Different Alpine Wetlands in Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

WANG  Hui et al


Synthetically Reconstructed Precipitation Variability in the Sanjiangyuan from Holocene Pollen Records

WANG Yan et al


Sources and Influencing Factors of Organic Carbon in Rivers Running into the Western Bohai Bay

LI Weiye et al


Changes in Partial Pressure and Diffusion Flux of Carbon Dioxide in Karst Surface Rivers under the Influence of Acid Mine Drainage

ZHOU Shiyu et al


Effects of Biodegradable Mulch Film on Greenhouse Gas Emission from Tobacco planting Soil

LI Huan et al


Geochemical Assessment of Iron Nutrition and Dietary Supplementation at a Regional Scale

ZHANG Husheng et al


Effects of Garbage Enzymes on Cd Uptake of Amaranth and Soil Bacterial Community Structure

YAO Xiaoqin et al

235 Vertical Migration and Transformation of Lead in Soil Profiles Revealed by Chemical Extraction and Isotopic Fingerprint: A Case Study in the Forest Soils near A Lead-zinc Mine
FANG  Minwen et al
246 Hyperspectral Estimation of Heavy Metal Cadmium Content in Soil based on Continuous Wavelet Transform
AN Baisong et al
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