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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
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Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
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Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Surface Texture Characteristics and Dating Implication of the Gouge Quartz in the Ladui-Naidong Faults, Xigaze, Tibet (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-10)
Geochemical Characteristics of the Middle-Upper Permian Bedded Cherts in the Northern Margin of the Yangtze Block and Its Response to the Evolution of Paleogeography and Paleo-Ocean (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-10)
Study on Geology and Fluid Inclusions of the Shiyaogou Molybdenum Deposit, Luanchuan Country, Henan, China (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-10)
Analyses on Mineral Compositions and Brittleness of the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation Shale in South Anhui Province (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-10)
Occurrence and Enrichment Mechanism of Silver in the Xigou Lead-Zinc-Silver Deposit, Chitudian, Luanchuan,Henan Province (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-10)
A Comparison Study on Mineralization Characteristics in Dayingezhuang and Xiadian Gold Deposits, Eastern Shangdong Province (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-09)
Research on Fluid Inclusions in the Mengqiguer Uranium Deposit (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-09)
Geochemical Behaviors of Molybdenum in the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Process (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-09-09)
Experimental Study on the Microbial Oxidation of Chalcopyrite in Calcite-Boaring Ore (Vol.33, No.6)(2015-01-29)
Comparing the Bio-Weathering Effects for Biotite by Bacillus Mucilaginosus and Aspergillus Niger (Vol.33, No.6)(2015-01-29)
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