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A ubiquitous hydrothermal episode recorded in the sheet-crack cements of a Marinoan cap dolostone of South China: Implication for the origin of the extremely C-13-depleted calcite cement(2017-06-29)
Finite Element Method for Modeling 3D Resistivity Sounding on Anisotropic Geoelectric Media(2017-06-29)
Biochar concomitantly increases simazine sorption in sandy loam soil and lowers its dissipation(2017-06-29)
Evaluation of irrigation effects using diluted salted water based on electrophysiological properties of plants(2017-06-29)
Geochronology, petrogenesis, and tectonic significance of the latest Devonian-early Carboniferous I-type granites in the Central Tianshan, NW China(2017-06-28)
Germanium in Magnetite: A Preliminary Review(2017-06-27)
Chemo- and Biostratigraphy of the Jurassic Oil Shales from the Qiangtang Basin, Northern Tibet, China: A Case Study of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event(2017-06-27)
Early Crystallized Titanomagnetite from Evolved Magmas and Magma Recharge in the Mesoproterozoic Zhuqing Oxide-Bearing Gabbroic Intrusions, Sichuan, SW China(2017-06-27)
Effect of wheat-maize straw return on the fate of nitrate in groundwater in the Huaihe River Basin, China(2017-06-26)
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: atmospheric processes and model evaluation(2017-06-26)
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