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Evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka(2019-07-17)
Accumulation of Atmospheric Mercury in Glacier Cryoconite over Western China(2019-07-17)
Interannual and Seasonal Vegetation Changes and Influencing Factors in the Extra-High Mountainous Areas of Southern Tibet(2019-07-17)
Effects of Rare Earth Elements' Physicochemical Properties on Their Stabilization during the Fe(II)(aq)-induced Phase Transformation of Ferrihydrite(2019-07-17)
Zircon Alteration as a Proxy for Rare Earth Element Mineralization Processes in Carbonatite-Nordmarkite Complexes of the Mianning-Dechang Rare Earth Element Belt, China(2019-07-15)
Mechanical property and thermal damage factor of limestone at high temperature(2019-07-15)
Stabilization of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China over the past decade(2019-07-11)
Carbon isotopic signatures of super-deep diamonds mediated by iron redox chemistry(2019-07-11)
Electrochemical Characterization of Anodic Oxide Film on TC11 Alloy in Sulfate Solution at High Temperature and High Pressure(2019-06-25)
Holocene climate dynamics derived from pollen record of Jiulongchi wetland in Fanjing Mountain, southwest China(2019-06-25)
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