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Metal source and wolframite precipitation process at the Xihuashan tungsten deposit, South China: Insights from mineralogy, fluid inclusion and stable isotope(2019-09-29)
Geology, mineralization styles and age of ore-hosting rocks of the Proterozoic Longbohe-Sin Quyen Fe-Cu belt: Implications for regional metallogeny(2019-09-29)
Tracing the origin of ore-forming fluids in the Piaotang tungsten deposit, South China: Constraints from in-situ analyses of wolframite and individual fluid inclusion(2019-09-29)
The mineralization process of the Lanuoma Pb-Zn-Sb deposit in the Sanjiang Tethys region: Constraints from in situ sulfur isotopes and trace element compositions(2019-09-29)
Mercury as a proxy for volcanic emissions in the geologic record(2019-09-29)
Assessing Contamination Sources by Using Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate Ions in Xijiang River Basin, Southwest China(2019-09-29)
Mercury fluxes, budgets, and pools in forest ecosystems of China: A review(2019-09-29)
Zirconium in rutile thermometry of the Himalayan ultrahigh-pressure eclogites and their retrogressed counterparts, Kaghan Valley, Pakistan(2019-09-23)
Variation in rhizosphere microbiota correlates with edaphic factor in an abandoned antimony tailing dump(2019-09-23)
Alumina-supported cobalt phosphide as a new catalyst for preferential CO oxidation at high temperatures(2019-09-20)
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