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Lunar regolith and substructure at Chang'E-4 landing site in South Pole-Aitken basin(2020-09-24)
Dissolved organic carbon in rainwater from a karst agricultural area of Southwest China: Variations, sources, and wet deposition fluxes(2020-09-24)
Hydrothermal genesis of Nb mineralization in the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit (China): Implicated by petrography and geochemistry of Nb-bearing minerals(2020-09-24)
3D Printing and Solvent Dissolution Recycling of Polylactide-Lunar Regolith Composites by Material Extrusion Approach(2020-09-24)
Petrographic and rare earth elemental characteristics of CambrianGirvanellaoncoids exposed in the North China Platform: Constraints on forming mechanism, REE sources, and paleoenvironments(2020-09-24)
Mineralogy and Metallogenesis of the Sanbao Mn-Ag (Zn-Pb) Deposit in the Laojunshan Ore District, SE Yunnan Province, China(2020-09-24)
Effect of spin levels broadening in electronic localized states of oxygen-doped nanosilocon localized state(2020-09-24)
Combined use of stable nitrogen and oxygen isotopes to constrain the nitrate sources in a karst lake(2020-09-24)
Electrical Conductivity of Eclogite, Amphibolite and Garnet-Quartz-Mica Schist with Implications for the Conductivity in the Qiangtang Terrane of Northern Tibetan Plateau(2020-09-22)
The driving factors of mercury storage in the Tibetan grassland soils underlain by permafrost(2020-09-22)
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