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Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope evidence for an Eoarchaean crustal remnant and episodic crustal reworking in response to supercontinent cycles in NW India(2017-09-25)
Genesis of the Ciemas Gold Deposit and Relationship with Epithermal Deposits in West Java, Indonesia: Constraints from Fluid Inclusions and Stable Isotopes(2017-09-25)
High-pressure and high-temperature Raman study of cinnabar(2017-09-25)
Contamination of heavy metals and isotopic tracing of Pb in intertidal surface sediments of Jinjiang River Estuary, SE China(2017-09-25)
Quality of tube well water intended for irrigation and human consumption with special emphasis on arsenic contamination at the area of Punjab, Pakistan(2017-09-25)
Soil erosion evolution and spatial correlation analysis in a typical karst geomorphology using RUSLE with GIS(2017-09-22)
Early paleozoic granodioritic plutons in the Shedong W-Mo ore district, Guangxi, southern China: Products of re-melting of middle Proterozoic crust due to magma underplating(2017-09-22)
Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Devonian Xiqin A-type granite in the northeastern Cathaysia Block, SE China(2017-09-22)
Analysis of some metallic elements and metalloids composition and relationships in parasol mushroom Macrolepiota procera(2017-09-22)
Cu Isotopic Composition in Surface Environments and in Biological Systems: A Critical Review(2017-09-22)
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