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Anomalous mercury enrichment in Early Cambrian black shales of South China: Mercury isotopes indicate a seawater source(2017-09-30)
Photo-flocculation of microbial mat extracellular polymeric substances and their transformation into transparent exopolymer particles: Chemical and spectroscopic evidences(2017-09-30)
Tracing nitrate sources with dual isotopes and long term monitoring of nitrogen species in the Yellow River, China(2017-09-30)
Response of Soil Microbial Communities to Elevated Antimony and Arsenic Contamination Indicates the Relationship between the Innate Microbiota and Contaminant Fractions(2017-09-30)
Impacts of hydrologic variations on chemical weathering and solute sources in the Min River basin, Himalayan-Tibetan region(2017-09-30)
Atmospheric deposition and air-sea gas exchange fluxes of DDT and HCH in the Yangtze River Estuary, East China Se(2017-09-30)
Spatial patterns of leaf C-13 and its relationship with plant functional groups and environmental factors in China(2017-09-30)
Association of Mg-rich Olivine with Magnetite as a Result of Brucite Marble Assimilation by Basaltic Magma in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China(2017-09-29)
AMS Carbon-14 dating of microbial carbonates in Holocene coral reefs, Western Luzon, Philippines(2017-09-29)
Localized states and quantum effect of photo-generated carriers in photovoltaic system(2017-09-29)
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