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Lead Isotopic Compositions of Selected Coals, Pb/Zn Ores and Fuels in China and the Application for Source Tracing(2017-12-20)
The effects of aquaculture on mercury distribution, changing speciation, and bioaccumulation in a reservoir ecosystem(2017-12-15)
Impact Characteristics of Different Rocks in a Pulsed Laser Irradiation Experiment: Simulation of Micrometeorite Bombardment on the Moon(2017-12-15)
Carbonate weathering-related carbon sink fluxes under different land uses: A case study from the Shawan Simulation Test Site, Puding, Southwest China(2017-12-15)
Rare earth elements in street dust and associated health risk in a municipal industrial base of central China(2017-12-15)
Effect of dehydration on the electrical conductivity of phyllite at high temperatures and pressures(2017-12-15)
Geochemistry of rare earth elements in soils under different land uses in a typical karst area, Guizhou Province, Southwest China(2017-12-15)
In situ SIMS U-Pb dating of hydrothermal rutile: reliable age for the Zhesang Carlin-type gold deposit in the golden triangle region, SW China(2017-12-15)
Geology, Fluid Inclusions, and Isotopic Geochemistry of the Jinman Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposit in the Lanping Basin, China(2017-12-15)
Mercury Isotope Signatures of Methylmercury in Rice Samples from the Wanshan Mercury Mining Area, China: Environmental Implications(2017-12-13)
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