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Exploring the Miscibility of Calcium Silicate Perovskite and Bridgmanite(2021-06-10)
Scientists Reveal Effects of Water on 660 km Discontinuity in the Deep Earth(2021-06-03)
New Findings Help to Understand Carbon Isotope Composition of Inorganically Precipitated Calcite(2021-06-03)
Global Silicate Weathering Carbon Sink Has Huge Potential in Absorbing CO2(2021-05-14)
Diet and Habitat Affect Bioaccumulations of Hg and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Zoobenthos: Study(2021-05-11)
635 million-year-old fungi-like microfossil that bailed us out of an ice age discovered(2021-03-24)
Position-specific Isotope Effects in Butane: New Geochemical Tracer(2021-01-25)
Dust Fluxes Recorded in Peat Reveal Abrupt Climate Changes since the Last Deglaciation(2021-01-11)
How Does Au Enter Lattice of Pyrite?(2021-01-07)
Professor FAN Dawei Joins the Editorial Board of Pure and Applied Geophysics(2020-12-21)
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