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Karst lake reservoir productivity is limited and fertilized by carbon effects(2024-07-18)
Compost Solution Affects Arsenic Release from Sulfidic Mine Tailings under Redox Oscillations(2023-09-28)
Researchers Propose New Approach for Harmless Disposal of Phosphogypsum(2023-07-10)
Mercury and Sulfur Redox Cycling Affect Methylmercury Levels in Rice Paddy Soils across a Contamination Gradient(2023-05-24)
Vascular Plants Colonized Land Extensively by the Early Silurian: Study(2023-05-04)
Earth's Anisotropic Inner Core Structure Driven by Dipole Geomagnetic Field: Study(2023-03-28)
Exotic Clasts in Chang'e-5 Samples Indicate Unexplored Terrane on Moon(2022-12-26)
Impact-induced Formation of Microscopic Magnetite First Confirmed in Chang' E-5 Lunar Soil(2022-12-01)
Study Provides New Insights into Abundances of Sulfur and Phosphorus in Lunar Core(2022-10-11)
China's Lunar Probe Discovers High Water Content in Moon Materials(2022-09-19)
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