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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Radionuclides measurements and mineralogical studies on beach sands, East Rosetta Estuary, Egypt(2013-07-03)
The generation kinetics of natural gases in the Kela-2 gas field from the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, northwestern China(2013-07-03)
Investigation of matrix effects in the MC-ICP-MS induced by Nb, W, and Cu: Isotopic case studies of iron and copper(2013-07-01)
Geology and C-O isotope geochemistry of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, NW Guizhou Province, SW China(2013-07-01)
A linear regression model (LRM) for groundwater chemistry in and around the Vaniyambadi industrial area, Tamil Nadu, India(2013-06-28)
A study on the interaction between ferric ion and silicic acid in hydrosphere: Si-containing ferruginous deposits formed in neutral hot spring waters(2013-06-28)
Innovation of experimental methodology for adsorbed gases on hydrocarbon-source rocks(2013-06-28)
Aspect of the specialty metals potentials of pegmatites in western Oban Massif, SE Nigeria: A preliminary geochemical approach(2012-12-05)
Lead isotope geochemical characteristics of Pb-Zn-Cu deposits on the southwestern margin of Tarim, and their significance(2012-12-03)
Geology and geochemistry of the granitic rocks and associated dykes, East Gabal Nuqra, South Eastern Desert, Egypt(2012-12-03)
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