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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Comprehensive diagnostic review of the 13C-enriched crude oils exemplified by TD2? and TZ62S in Tarim Basin, NW China (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-03-12)
Petrogenesis of the Xuanwoling mafic–ultramafic intrusion in the northeastern Tarim Block (Northwest China) (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-03-11)
Geochemical characteristics and families of the Paleozoic oil seepage and solid bitumen in the Southern Guizhou Depression, SW China (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-03-11)
Petrogenetic study of Mesoproterozoic volcanic rocks of North Delhi fold belt, NW Indian shield: implications for mantle conditions during Proterozoic (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-03-11)
Effects of low nutrition on photosynthetic capacity and accumulation of total N and P in three climber plant species (Vol.34, No.1)(2015-03-11)
Geochemistry of mafic rocks and melt inclusions and their implications for the heat source of the 14.0°S hydrothermal field, South Mid-Atlantic Ridge(Vol.33, No.4)(2014-10-27)
Geochemical characteristics of Holocene sediments from Chuadanga district, Bangladesh: Implications for weathering, climate, redox conditions, provenance and tectonic setting(Vol.33, No.4)(2014-10-27)
Mineral surface modification induced by low energy ion irradiation: Implications for solar-wind exposure effects in lunar soil(Vol.33, No.4)(2014-10-27)
Analysis of platinum-group elements in drill core samples from the Meishan Permian-Triassic boundary section, China(Vol.33, No.4)(2014-10-27)
Accumulation and speciation of selenium in Cardamine sp. in Yutangba Se Mining Field, Enshi, China(Vol.33, No.4)(2014-10-27)
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