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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Geochemistry of Tertiary sandstones from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia: implications for provenance and tectonic setting (Vol.35, No.3)(2016-08-09)
Photosynthetic capability and Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn contents in two Moraceae species under different phosphorus levels (Vol.35, No.3)(2016-08-09)
Effects of organic acids on dissolution of Fe and Mn from weathering coal gangue (Vol.35, No.3)(2016-08-09)
Transmission electron microscopic study of the fine-grained vein matrix in the Suizhou L6 meteorite (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
An optimized sequential extraction scheme for molybdenum association in environmental samples (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
Nutrient uptake by mulberry and Chinese prickly ash associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
Quantification of photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilisation via a bidirectional stable carbon isotope tracer (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
Tin partition behavior and implications for the Furong tin ore formation associated with peralkaline intrusive granite in Hunan Province, China (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
Improvement of saponification extraction method for fatty acids separation from geological samples (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
Zircon U–Pb dating of Pubei granite and strontium isotope from sphalerite of the Xinhua Pb–Zn–(Ag) deposit, Yunkai Area of Guangxi Province, South China (Vol.35, No.2)(2016-05-16)
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