Application of two-dimension, high-resolution evidences to reveal the biogeochemical process patterns of trace metals in reservoir sediments |
Pollutions of trace metals (TMs) in reservoirs are blooming due to TMs were trapped efficiently in reservoir sediments by dams. Despite the mobilization of TMs in sediments have been well-documented, the patterns of biogeochemical processes occurred in sediments remain poorly understanding. Herein, a deep reservoir was selected to investigate the patterns of TMs biogeochemical processes in sediments by using high-resolution ZrOChelex-AgI diffusive gradient in thin films technique (HR-ZCA DGT) and the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). 2-dimension high-resolution (2D-HR) images showed significant differential spatial enrichment of TMs (V, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn and Sb) in sediments, indicating strong heterogeneity in sediments. Correlations of TMs within microniches (diameter < 1 mm) in horizontal were usually different even contrast with that in vertical profile, suggesting distinct biogeochemical process patterns occurred in vertical vs. in horizontal. Further analyses from 2D-HR images showed the distributions of TMs in microniches reflected their mobilization that was driven by microenvironmental conditions. In contrast, distributions in sediment vertical profile recorded the diagenesis in different deposition depth. The diagenesis in sediment vertical is continuously accumulated by the discrete, microniches mobilization of TMs in horizontal. Collectively, our findings evidenced that 2D-HR data is an update complement to 1-dimension data for better interpret the biogeochemical process patterns of TMs in sediments, that have implication for water management to metals pollution in reservoir ecosystems.
Publication name |
Science Of The Total Environment, Volume 900, DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166404, Article Number 166404, Published NOV 20 2023 |
Author(s) |
Chen, Quan; Xu, Shu; Wang, Jingfu; Wang, Dengjun; Dai, Zhihui; Liao, Peng; Yang, Jiaojiao; Guo, Wen; Ding, Shiming; Chen, Jingan |
Corresponding author(s) |
Wang, Jingfu; Chen, Jingan; Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Environm Geochem, Inst Geochem, Guiyang 550081, Peoples R China |
Author(s) from IGCAS |
Wang, Jingfu; Chen, Jingan; Chen, Quan; Xu, Shu; Dai, Zhihui; Liao, Peng; Yang, Jiaojiao; Guo, Wen | View here for the details