Diopside is one of the most important end-members of clinopyroxene, which is an abundant mineral in upper-mantle petrologic models. The amount of clinopyroxene in upper-mantle pyrolite can be similar to 15 vol%, while pyroxenite can contain as high as similar to 60 vol% clinopyroxene. Knowing the elastic properties of the upper-mantle diopside at high pressure-temperature conditions is essential for constraining the chemical composition and interpreting seismic observations of region. Here we have measured the single-crystal elasticity of Fe-enriched diopside ( Di(80)Hd(20), Di-diopside, and Hd-hedenbergite; also called Fe-enriched clinopyroxene) at high-pressure conditions up to 18.5 GPa by using in situ Brillouin light-scattering spectroscopy (BLS) and synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. Our experimental results were used in evaluating the effects of pressure and Fe substitution on the full single-crystal elastic moduli across the Di-Hd solid-solution series to better understand the seismic velocity profiles of the upper mantle. Using the third- or fourth-order Eulerian finite-strain equations of state to model the elasticity data, the derived aggregate adiabatic bulk and shear moduli (K-S0, G(0)) at ambient conditions were determined to be 117(2) and 70(1) GPa, respectively. The first- and second-pressure derivatives of bulk and shear moduli at 300 K were (partial derivative K-S/partial derivative P)(T) = 5.0(2), (partial derivative K-2(S)/partial derivative P-2)(T) = -0.12(4) GPa(-1) and (partial derivative G/partial derivative P)(T) = 1.72(9), (partial derivative(2)G/partial derivative P-2)(T) = -0.05(2) GPa(-1), respectively. A comparison of our results with previous studies on end-member diopside and hedenbergite in the literatures shows systematic linear correlations between the Fe composition and single-crystal elastic moduli. An addition of 20 mol% Fe in diopside increases K-S0 by similar to 1.7% (similar to 2 GPa) and reduces G(0) by similar to 4.1% (similar to 3 GPa), but has a negligible effect on the pressure derivatives of the bulk and shear moduli within experimental uncertainties. In addition, our modeling results show that substitution of 20 mol% Fe in diopside can reduce V-P and V-S by similar to 1.8% and similar to 3.5%, respectively, along both an expected normal mantle geotherm and a representative cold subducted slab geotherm. Furthermore, the modeling results show that the V-P and V-S profiles of Fe-enriched pyroxenite along the cold subducted slab geotherm are similar to 3.2% and similar to 2.5% lower than AK135 model at 400 km depth, respectively. Finally, we propose that the presence of Fe-enriched pyroxenite (including Fe-enriched clinopyroxene, Fe-enriched orthopyroxene, and Fe-enriched olivine), can be an effective mechanism to cause low-velocity anomalies in the upper mantle regions atop the 410 km discontinuity at cold subudcted slab conditions.
Publication name |
AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Volume: 105 Issue: 3 Pages: 363-374 DOI: 10.2138/am-2020-7075 Published: MAR 2020 |
Author(s) |
Fan, Dawei; Fu, Suyu; Lu, Chang; Xu, Jingui; Zhang, Yanyao; Tkachev, Sergey N.; Prakapenka, Vitali B.; Lin, Jung-Fu |
Corresponding author(s) |
FAN Daiwei1,2; LIN Junfu2 fandawei@vip.gyig.ac.cn;afu@jsg.utexas.edu 1. Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geochem, Key Lab High Temp & High Pressure Study Earths In, Guiyang 550081, Guizhou, Peoples R China. 2. Univ Texas Austin, Jackson Sch Geosci, Dept Geol Sci, Austin, TX 78712 USA. | View here for the details