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Spin transition of ferric iron in the calcium-ferrite type aluminous phase TEXT SIZE: A A A
We investigated Fe-free and Fe-bearing CF phases using nuclear forward scattering and X-ray diffraction coupled with diamond anvil cells up to 80GPa at room temperature. Octahedral Fe3+ ions in the Fe-bearing CF phase undergo a high-spin to low-spin transition at 25-35GPa, accompanied by a volume reduction of similar to 2.0% and a softening of bulk sound velocity up to 17.6%. Based on the results of this study and our previous studies, both the NAL and CF phases, which account for 10-30 vol % of subducted MORB in the lower mantle, are predicted to undergo a spin transition of octahedral Fe3+ at lower mantle pressures. Spin transitions in these two aluminous phases result in an increase of density of 0.24% and a pronounced softening of bulk sound velocity up to 2.3% for subducted MORB at 25-60GPa and 300K. The anomalous elasticity region expands and moves to 30-75GPa at 1200K and the maximum of the V reduction decreases to similar to 1.8%. This anomalous elastic behavior of Fe-bearing aluminous phases across spin transition zones may be relevant in understanding the observed seismic signatures in the lower mantle.

Publication name

 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 122 (8):5935-5944; 10.1002/2017JB014095 AUG 2017


 Wu, Ye; Qin, Fei; Wu, Xiang; Huang, Haijun; McCammon, Catherine A.; Yoshino, Takashi; Zhai, Shuangmeng; Xiao, Yuming; Prakapenka, Vitali B.

Corresponding author(s) 

 WU Xiang 
 China Univ Geosci, State Key Lab Geol Proc & Mineral Resources, Wuhan, Hubei, Peoples R China.

Author(s) from IGCAS   ZHAI Shuangmeng

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