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Multivariate statistical and lead isotopic analyses approach to identify heavy metal sources in topsoil from the industrial zone of Beijing Capital Iron and Steel Factory(2017-08-09)
Study of the Mineralization Process of granular apatites in Weng'an Baidou Phosphate Deposit Using Microbeam Analyses(2017-08-09)
The origin of ferroan and magnesian anorthosites in the lunar crust(2017-08-08)
Compositions and possible sources of lunar meteorite NWA 4884(2017-08-07)
"Structure-Lithologic-Fluid" Metallogenic Coupling of the Wuzhishan Lead-Zinc Deposit in Puding, Guizhou Province(2017-08-07)
Tectonic-Thermal Evolution History and Its Controls on Petroleum Geology of Weibei Uplift(2017-08-07)
Alkaline Prophyries in the Chenghai-Binchuan Tectono-Magmatic Belt, Western Yunnan Province, SW China(2017-07-28)
A predominantly ferruginous condition in the Ediacaran deep ocean: Geochemistry of black shales in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China(2017-07-27)
Biochar stimulates the decomposition of simple organic matter and suppresses the decomposition of complex organic matter in a sandy loam soil(2017-07-27)
Effect of biochar addition on short-term N2O and CO2 emissions during repeated drying and wetting of an anthropogenic alluvial soil(2017-07-27)
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