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Fabrication of yttrium-doped barium zirconate ceramic by high pressure sintering(2019-05-05)
In situ, high-resolution evidence of phosphorus release from sediments controlled by the reductive dissolution of iron-bound phosphorus in a deep reservoir, southwestern China(2019-05-05)
Potassium isotopic compositions of international geological reference materials(2019-04-29)
Selenium translocation in the soil-rice system in the Enshi seleniferous area, Central China(2019-04-26)
Mercury contents in rice and potential health risks across China(2019-04-22)
Preferential regeneration of P relative to C in a freshwater lake(2019-04-22)
High-precision magnesium isotope analysis of geological and environmental reference materials by multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(2019-04-22)
High-pressure behavior of liebenbergite: The most incompressible olivine-structured silicate(2019-04-22)
Crystal size distribution of amphibole grown from hydrous basaltic melt at 0.6-2.6 GPa and 860-970 degrees C(2019-04-22)
Lunar farside to be explored by Chang'e-4(2019-04-22)
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