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“Anthropophile elements” Newly Proposed by Institute of Geochemistry CAS for Elements Strongly Impacted by Human Activities(2015-01-12)
New Directors of IGCAS Announced(2014-11-18)
The Naming Ceremony for  “OUYANG Ziyuan Star” Held in IGCAS(2014-11-18)
Bidirectional Air-surface Exchange Model Updated for Elemental Mercury Vapor(2014-09-04)
NAS member Mark H. Thiemens visists IGCAS(2014-07-16)
Dr. GAO Bin from University of Florida Visits IGCAS(2014-07-11)
Dr. Michael Wiedenbeck from Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Visits IGCAS(2014-05-12)
Exploring high pressure elastic behavior of Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 a synthetic rare-earth silicate apatite(2014-04-29)
Revealing mechanism for oxygen isotope fractionation in travertine at Baishuitai, Yunnan Province(2014-04-14)
Sino-Swedish Mercury Project Launched in Guiyang(2014-03-14)
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