Invited by Prof. SONG Xieyan and Associate Prof. SHEN Nengping, Prof. WANG Xuance of Yunnan University visited IGCAS from April 13th to 15th, and presented a lecture titled "Positive Feedback between Deep Volatile Cycling and the Surface Environment: How this Controls Earth's Evolution" to more than 70 researchers and graduate students in the institute on April 15th. The lecture was hosted by Professor LIU Yun, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry.
In his lecture, Prof. WANG Xuance systematically introduced his research during the past few years by citing the examples: A series of key geological processes such as orogenic evolution, craton failure, continental crust growth and continental pyrolysis are all related to the circulation of the fluids in the different spheres of the Earth, namely, there is positive feedback from fluid circulation and mantle convective mode conversion on super continental circulation. For example, the circulation of water between the surface and the interior of the earth is the key to ensuring the long-term existence of its liquid hydrosphere, which enables the evolution of life on Earth and human survival to be sustained. Additionally, in the early stage of the evolution of terrestrial planets, the hydration of basic crustal matter controls the formation and evolution of the early hydrosphere, and the recycling of the hydrated basic crust is the key to the conversion of the crust component from basic to granitic. This conversion is likely to be the dominant factor controlling the change in oxygen concentration in the early atmosphere.
The lecture covered various aspects of the above research, showing that Prof. WANG Xuance further revealed the importance of the relationship between the Earth's circle interaction and the livable Earth's evolution from the perspective of the fluid circulation mechanism.
At the end of the lecture, ideas were exchanged between Prof. WANG Xuance and the audience.
Prof. WANG Xuance obtained his bachelor's and master's degree in geochemistry from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2005 (supervised by Academician GAO Shan) and PhD’s degree in geochemistry from the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008 (supervised by Prof. LI Xianhua), respectively. From 2009 to 2010, Prof. Wang worked as a Postdoc. at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has received many awards including ARC DECREA, ARC Future Fellow and Curtin ECR highest Research Performance Index.
Currently, Prof. WANG works as a PI at the Research Center for Earth System Science, Yunnan University. His research interests are mainly in magmatism, tectonic evolution, mantle geochemistry, organic-inorganic fluid interaction, and the coupling and non-coupling relationship between deep fluid circulation and shallow resource environmental effects in the Earth system, etc. He has headed or participated in numerous international and domestic key scientific research projects. In recent years, as the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 80 SCI papers on the influential journals including Nature Communications, Geology, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Precam. Res., J. Petrol., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, and Lithos, with over 5300 citations.
Prof. WANG Xuance presenting the lecture
The audience |
(By Associate Prof. SHEN Nengping's group)