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Sino-Korean Workshop on Mercury as a Global Pollutant Held in Guiyang TEXT SIZE: A A A

A Sino-Korean workshop on mercury as a global pollutant, organized by Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS), was successfully held in Guiyang on Dec 4th, 2016. The workshop participants included five Korean professors and more than 40 scientists and graduate students from IGCAS.

On behalf of IGCAS, Prof. FENG Xinbin gave a welcome speech and introduced the history and the research fields of IGCAS. Dr. FU Xuewu, Dr. WANG Xun, Dr. LI Zhonggen, and Dr. LI Ping presented the talks covering topics including Hg Monitoring in air and wet deposition, natural Hg emission by modeling in China, Hg emission from anthropogenic activities in Guizhou, and Human Hg exposure in China.

Prof. Yong Chil Seo from Yonsei University, Prof. Yong Ji Han and Prof. Sinkyu Kang from Kangwon National University, Prof. Seung Hee Han from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, and Prof. Yong Seok Hong from Daegu University presented the Hg research progress in Korean, including Hg monitoring and modeling in air and air-surface exchange, Hg emission mapping by GIS, and Hg methylation and modeling in aquatic system.

Prof. Lin Che-Jen from Lamar University chaired the discussion after the presentation. Further collaboration between Chinese and Korean scientists was expected in the future with regard to Hg emission inventory, Hg modeling, and Hg methylation and bioaccumulation in aquatic systems.


 Pro. FENG Xinbin giving welcome speech



 Prof. Yong Chil Seo at the presentation



 Group picture


(By Prof. FENG Xinbin's group)

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