Invited by Prof. HU Ruizhong at the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG), Dr. Shu Qiao from the University of Alberta visited the institute during March 22nd -23rd .
Dr. SHU Qiao has been working on the mantle xenoliths and recorded information about deep mantle processes, and the origin of Kimberlite and hosted diamond. She has published lots of papers in highly-ranked international journals including EPSL, GCA and CMP.
At 3 pm on March 23rd, Dr. Shu presented a talk entitled “Origin and geochemical and thermal evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa) and formation of diamonds” in the 3rd Floor Conference room of the SKLODG building. The talk was hosted by Prof. SONG Xieyan, and joined by many faculty, staff and students of the institute.
During her talk, Dr. SHU illustrated in detail the distribution of diamond-bearing kimberlites in the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa, as well as the mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic compositions of mantle xenoliths hosted in the Kimberlite. The audiences were provided with a better understanding of the timing of multiple mantle metasomatism, cooling rate of mantle and formation of diamond.
After the talk, Dr. Shu discussed and communicated with the audiences regarding geochronology, possible subduction in early evolution stage of the earth, and exploration of diamond in Kimberlite, etc.

Dr. SHU Qiao is giving the presentation
(By CHEN Wei)