From June 7 to 9, Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi, Dr. TERAO Yukio and Dr. NOMURA Shohei from National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan visited IGCAS at the invitation of the State Key laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG).
On the morning of June 8, Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi, Director of the Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER) at NIES, presented a talk titled “Recent results of Greenhouse gases observation in NIES and global change trend” to the IGCAS faculty and students. The presentation was hosted by Prof. ZENG Yiqiang who has been collaborating with Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi on the Guiyang observation site of greenhouse gas (GHG) for more than 8 years.

Prof. ZENG Yiqiang introducing Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi to the audience

Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi presenting the talk
In his presentation, Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi briefly introduced the organization, mission, research and other activities of CGER, indicating that CGER performs climate risk assessments and future climate change projections alongside several other related research projects. He then specifically described their GHG monitoring projects carried out on the ground, on the Asian ship-route, by the aircrafts and by the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT), followed by a thorough analysis of the monitoring data. “We have to cut about half of CO2 emission within 25 years to stop temperature increase up to 2 degree C”, concluded Dr. MUKAI Hitoshi.
Besides, Dr. NOMURA Shohei shared a historic view of their eight observation sites of GHG in Asia monitoring network.
At the end of the presentation, NIES researchers and the audience had a lively discussion on the GHG issues including CH4 emission, CO2 emission limits and carbon sink.
During their stay, NIES researchers also visited the two state key laboratories at IGCAS. They were most interested in the research in SKLEG, and looked forward to the future collaboration with SKLEG on the study of carbon cycle in karst region as well as global environment research.
(By XIAO Yi, images by YU Nan)