Dr. TU Kan giving presentation |
At the invitation of Prof. WANG Shijie, Dr. TU Kan from Waste Permits Division of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) visited the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG) of IGCAS on 16th April.
During his visit, Dr. TU Kan gave an expressive presentation on the topic of ”Karst Hydrogeological Features and Modeling Techniques”, which attracted the faculty and graduate students at IGCAS. Firstly, Dr. TU Kan reviewed the key issues, including not only the layout of the world’s karst geomorphology and karst hydrogeological cycle, but also the modeling approaches and methods from the influential monographs, conferences proceedings, and symposiums. Subsequently, he shared his point of view about MODFLOW modeling interface, case studies in Texas’s Karst Research, and modeling factors such as system boundary, mass balance, and samplings. Finally, he provided the audience with the comments and advice on the future study of karst hydrogeological modeling. The presentation was followed by a thorough discussion among Dr. TU Kan, Prof. LI Xinqing and Prof. LIAN Bin on the topics including the correlationship between karst geomorphology and desertification, and active factors of microorganisms in karst area.
Dr. TU Kan discussing with the audience |
Dr. TU Kan graduated from Peking University (PKU) with a B.S. degree in Geology Science in 1981. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois at Chicago in 1991. Currently he works at TCEQ and his research interest covers hydrogeology, geochemical protocols, modeling approaches, as well as the assessment of the transformation of pollutant in the underground water. So far, Dr. TU Kan has written and edited a great many analytical reports in terms of hydrogeology, geochemistry and numerical modeling.
(By NIE Yang)