Professor LIU Yun |
Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) released the final results for the proposals of 2012 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Professor LIU Yun at the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG) of IGCAS was awarded with the fund of 2,000,000 RMB in supporting of his research on computational geochemistry.
Professor LIU Yun’s research interests focus on the development of theoretical methods of estimating stable isotope fractionation. Specifically, he is interested in the foundation of stable isotope geochemistry, the application of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics based methods to obtain basic parameters of important stable isotope systems, and the extending of statistical mechanics based theoretical framework to emerging directions of stable isotope geochemistry. He is also interested in the application of novel chemical reaction kinetics methods to important geochemical issues, such as the molecular level mechanisms of mineral dissolution.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars: NSFC establishes the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars to intensify the training of young scientists and researchers, and to encourage and attract Chinese scholars working abroad to work in China. The Fund aims at creating a relatively free environment for young scientists so that they could undertake basic and applied basic research of natural sciences in China and grow up into academic front-runners of world science as soon as possible. The Fund sets higher demands on applications, paying special attention to the researchers' existing achievements and creative capability. Applicants must be under the age of 45.
(Provided by Division of Science and Technology, translated and edited by XIAO Yi & TANG Mao)