Invited by CAS Academician LIU Congqiang of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG), Dr. Margaret Graham and Dr. Ian Oliver from Scotland visited IGCAS. They gave a presentation titled “Approaches to determine the mobility, bioavailability and associations of potentially toxic elements” On Sept. 26. The meeting was hosted by Academician LIU Congqiang.

Dr. Margaret Graham giving presentation in IGCAS

Dr. Ian Oliver giving presentation in IGCAS
In the presentation, Dr. Margaret Graham and Dr. Ian Oliver introduced their work as follows: Behaviour and fate of Pb in terrestrial and aquatic systems; Cr speciation and bioavailability in water; Bioaccessibility of Cd in paddy field soils and chemical risk assessment, and so on. The presentation ended with a warm discussion.

Dr. Margaret Graham discussing with CAS Academician LIU Congqiang

Dr. Margaret Graham and Dr. Ian Oliver in the field trip
During their stay, Dr. Margaret Graham and Dr. Ian Oliver accompanied by Prof. ZHANG Guoping went to Guangxi for field investigation and sample collection.
Dr. Margaret Graham, received her Ph.D. degree from SUERC, University of Glasgow, Scotland in 1995. She is currently working as Senior Lecturer in Environmental Geochemistry, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh. Her major research programmes have included (i) remediation of chromite ore processing residue (COPR)-contaminated sites in urban areas of Glasgow, Scotland, (ii) the impacts of climatic change on the fate of potentially toxic elements in heavily populated areas as well as in remote ecosystems, (iii) the behaviour and associations of depleted uranium (DU) at MoD weapons-testing sites in SW Scotland and NW England.
Dr. Ian Oliver, received his Ph.D. degree from School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia in 2004. He is currently Senior Specialist Scientist from Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). His major research programmes have included i) Analysis and interpretation of environmental chemistry data (water, soil, sediment, biota) for assessing environmental status and pollution impacts; ii) Chemical risk assessment; iii) Science advice for policy and regulation; iv) Development of environmental quality standards (EQS).
( By LI Haixia and ZHANG Guoping)