On July 31, 2012, in front of the memorial statue of Prof. TU Guangchi in Haitianyuan cemetery and in the solemn atmosphere surrounded by pine and cypress trees, more than 110 employees of IGCAS commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of Prof. TU Guangchi who was a renowned ore deposit geologist and geochemist. The directors from the Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and the Environment, CAS and IGCAS presented the flower baskets.
At 11:00 am, IGCAS Deputy Director FENG Xinbin announced the beginning of the commemoration. On behalf of all IGCAS employees, Director Hu Ruizhong made the opening speech which highly praised TU’s lifelong dedication to science and reviewed TU’s contribution to the development of geoscience and of IGCAS. Director Hu Ruizhong called on the rest IGCAS employees to carry on TU’s principles and values with his inspiring scientific spirit and work diligently together to create a better future of the geoscience and of IGCAS!
LI Wanlu, a former high-ranking official of Guizhou Provincial Government recalled Prof. TU Guangchi’s great and glorious life, and highly praised TU’s passionate commitment to the country and his integrity in scientific research.
CAS Academician LIU Congqiang, a former student of Prof. TU Guangchi expressed his respect to his beloved advisor. He promised not only to carry forward the positive learning attitudeand the fine tradition of the scientists of TU’s generation, but also to undertake the mission of promoting scientific innovation, developing geoscience in China and transforming China into an innovative nation while forever remembering TU’s contributions and achievements.
Prof. XIA Yong, another former student of Prof. TU Guangchi also shared fond memories of Prof. TU as a great teacher.
Lastly, Deputy Director FENG Xinbin led all the attendees bowing three times to the tombstone, reminiscing about beloved Prof. TU GUangchi. The event was successfully planned and run by IGCAS General Office.
Prof. TU Giangchi was a renowned ore deposit geologist and geochemist, as well as the founder of China’s geochemistry. Known as ‘Leading Geoscientist’ and ‘Great Master of The Generation’, he has made enormous achievements including proposing the creative theory basics for exploring gold and uranium deposits, building the theory of stratabound deposits geochemistry, organizing the discussion and summarizing the theory for South China granite, advocating the study of China superlarge deposits, and focusing on independent mineralization with disperse elements. He has served as Director and Honorary Director of IGCAS, as well as Director of the CAS Division of Earth Science. Committing his whole life to the studies of mineral deposits and geoscience, TU has received more than 20 major S&T awards in his near 70-year geoscience career. During his lifetime, TU also has served as a deputy to the 5th and 6th National People's Congresses and Vice Director of the standing committees of the 7th People's Congresses of Guizhou Province. In 2007, TU passed away of illness in Bejing, at age of 88.
Professor TU Guangchi will be forever missed and remembered by IGCAS!

IGCAS Director HU Ruizhong making statement

IGCAS Deputy Director FENG Xinbin hosting the commemoration ceremony

LI Wanlu cherishing the memories of Prof. TU Guangchi

Academician LIU Congqiang speaking at the ceremony

Prof. XIA Yong, Director of IGCAS Information Center sharing the memories of Prof. TU Guangchi

Commemoration ceremony
(Provided by CHEN Juanhong, translated by XIAO Yi)