At the invitation of Professor CHEN Jiubin of SKLEG at IGCAS, Dr. Romain Millot from Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), France, visited SKLEG and delivered a report in the SKLEG lecture hall on May 22.
Dr. Romain Millot presented the report under the title of Lithium Isotopes: Analytical Developments and Applications. He first introduced BRGM where he is currently working, then he kept the report focused on its subject, the analytical developments in Li isotopes, such as the increasing publications in this field, the lithium isotope measurement, lithium isotopes and water/rock interactions which were exemplified by the isotopes in rainwater, seawater and geothermal water. Dr. Romain Millot also pointed out the future research directions in this field, like research into groundwater, weathering profile, developing in situ measurement and adopting Coupling Laser Ablation. The report sparked a lively discussion between the audience and the speaker and won a loud applause from the audience.
Dr. Romain Millot is currently a researcher at BRGM. The BRGM is the french geological survey. His research interests focus on formation waters, generator multi-collector inductively, isotope fractionation, isotopic ratios, isotopic signatures, isotopic systematics, Multi-Collector ICP-MS, and Pb-isotope ratios. He is presently working on reliable Pb-isotope ratios.

Dr. Romain Millot giving a report at SKLEG lecture hall

Professor CHEN Jiubin introducing Dr. Romain Millot
(By ZHOU Tao)