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Professor FENG Xinbin Visits the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and University Paris Diderot - Paris VII in France TEXT SIZE: A A A

 Prof. FENG Xinbin and Prof. CHEN Jiubin discussed with Prof. Marc Benedetti and Prof. Francois Metivier.  Prof. FENG Xinbin, Prof. CHEN Jiubin and the scientists in IPGP.

Prof. FENG Xinbin, Prof. CHEN Jiubin and Assoc. Prof. LI Ping visited Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and University Paris Diderot - Paris VII in France on JAN 11th, 2012.

In the morning, they firstly visited the Water Geochemistry lab led by Prof. Marc Benedetti, the Vice Director of IPGP and Vice President of University Paris Diderot - Paris VII. Prof. Marc Benedetti works on biogeochemical cycle of trace elements in aquatic ecosystem. Then Prof. Francois Metivier introduced the project of the International Associated Laboratory on sediment transport and landscape dynamics in Central Asia. Prof. FENG Xinbin met with Prof. Claude Jaupart, the Director of IPGP, and discussed the possible international cooperation.

In the afternoon, Prof. Eric Lajeunesse introduced the work of surface erosion in L'Observatoire de l’Erosion aux Antilles. Accompanied by lab directors Jerome Gaillardet and Pierre Carigny, Prof. FENG Xinbin visited the Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry lab and the Stable Isotope lab respectively. This visit not only deepened mutual understanding, but also built the foundation of future international cooperation between two institutes.

(By LI Ping)

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