Professor LIU Zaihua introducing Professor SHEN to the audience
At the invitation of Professor LIU Zaihua of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG), SHEN Chuan-chou, Professor of National Taiwan University visited Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) from November 17 to November 21, 2011.
Prof. SHEN obtained his Ph.D. from Chemistry Institute at National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, and was a Postdoctoral Associate in Dept. Geology & Geophysics at University of Minnesota, MN, USA. His research fields include high-precision mass spectrometry and past and present climate and environment changes. Prof. SHEN has made major contribution to the developing of the high-precision U-Th geochronology.
Professor SHEN giving presentation in IGCAS |
Professor SHEN discussing with the audience |
On the morning of November 18, Prof. SHEN gave two excellent presentations titled “Application of carbonate U-Th dating techniques to paleoclimate and paleoenvironment” and “Taiwan geology and scenery” to the researchers and students at the institute. His first presentation provided the latest development and application of the high-precision U-Th geochronology. The high-precision U-Th geochronology has been applied to high-precision past climatic and environmental changes, paleo-tsunami research, earthquake period of Sumatra, and organic evolution of early earth. In his second presentation, Prof. SHEN showed the geological vicissitude, geology geomorphology, and the tourism scenery of Taiwan. During his presentation, Prof. SHEN asked a few questions and each student who first answered the question won an interesting gift.
The audience were deeply impressed by Prof. SHEN’s richly-illustrated presentations. During his presentations, Prof. SHEN also had a thorough discussion with the audience, and answered many questions.
(By SUN Hailong and ZHAO Min)