Prof. HUANG Fang giving the talk
From May 29th to 31st, Prof. HUANG Fang from University of Science and Technology of China (UTSC) visited IGCAS. He was invited by Prof. LIU Yun of State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG).
Prof. HUANG Fang received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from UTSC, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Currently he is a professor in UTSC.
In his talk, Prof. HUANG Fang introduced the work on the isotope fractionation driven by thermal diffusion which was published on Nature in 2010. He shared the experience on obtaining this surprising result while he was doing the rock experiments for his postdoctoral works. Prof. HUANG also showed the difference in the concepts between thermal migration and thermal diffusion, and the isotope fractionation resulting from thermal diffusion. The magnitude of δ57/55Fe, 24/20Mg, 44/40Ca varies from several per mil to even more than ten per mil. The results suggest a new understanding of the classical Bowen mineral crystal sequence.
During his visit in IGCAS, Prof. HUANG Fang has talked with Prof. BAO Huiming, the group members of Prof. LIU Yun and Prof. ZHU Dan, respectively. As a doctoral committee member, Prof. HUANG also attended LIU Qi and ZHANG Siting’s doctoral oral defenses.
(Provided by YUAN Jie, Edited by XIAO Yi)