A group photo of all attendees
From Jan. 7 to 9, the 2010 Annual Academic Committee Joint Meeting of Chinese Key Laboratories’ Union on Solid Earth Science, hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG) of IGCAS was held in Guiyang.
Over 120 people attended the meeting, including IGCAS Director HU Ruizhong, the leaders of administrative departments, the Directors/Deputy Directors of the key laboratories, the academic committee members and many core researchers. The nine participating key laboratories are the State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution (Inst. of Geology and Geophysics, CAS), the State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research (Nanjing Univ.), the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (Inst. of Geochemistry, CAS), the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes & Mineral Resources (China Univ. of Geosciences), the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics (Northwest Univ.), the CAS Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochronology and Geochemistry (Guangzhou Inst. of Geochemistry, CAS), the CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments(Univ. of Science and Technology of China), The MoE Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution (Peking Univ.), and the MLR Key Laboratory of Mineralization and Resource Assessment (Inst. of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences).

CAS Academician ZHU Rixiang gives a speech.

Prof. HU Ruizhong, Director of SKLODG delivers 2010 Annual Report of SKLODG.
On the morning of Jan. 8, IGCAS Director HU Ruizhong announced the official opening of the Annual Academic Committee Joint Meeting in the Wuyue Hotel located in Guiyang, followed by a welcome speech. Chief GUO Jinyi of the National Natural Science Foundation of China put forward five suggestions on the role and growth of the key laboratories’ Union. CAS Academician ZHU Rixiang expressed higher expectations for the Union’s future development.
Later, directors of the nine key laboratories presented their annual reports respectively, and responded to the questions and comments from the academic committee members and other audiences. After that, all attendees got together and discussed proposals prepared by SKLODG on the basis of the communication among the union members. Additionally, the academic committee members offered appropriate suggestions on the common and individual problems during each laboratory’s development. On the afternoon of Jan. 8, the directors also held a special session dedicated to the specific union matters.
Lastly, Academician ZHU Rixiang summarized the achievements of the meeting and made nine suggestions for the union’s future plan. It was also decided that the Fourth Academic Committee Joint Meeting of Chinese Key Laboratories’ Union on Solid Earth Science will be held in Wuhan in the first week of December 2011, and hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes & Mineral Resources (China Univ. of Geosciences).
During the meeting, the attendees had heated discussions in harmonious atmosphere and reached consensus on most topics. The meeting was concluded successfully on the afternoon of Jan. 9.
(Provided by ZHONG Hong, SKLODG. Translated by XIAO Yi)