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Academician ZHAI Mingguo visits IGCAS TEXT SIZE: A A A


Prof. ZHAI Mingguo, Academician of CAS visited IGCAS and gave a seminar on Jan. 10th.  Prof. HU Ruizhong, IGCAS Director invited Prof. ZHAI and hosted the seminar.

Prof. ZHAI Mingguo is an outstanding geologist in Precambrian and metamorphic geology.  In his seminartitled ‘The frontier scientific topics and the key priority fields of Precambrian geology”, Prof. ZHAI first introduced the significance, international research highlights and important fields of Precambrian geology.  Using North China craton as an example, He explained China’s achievements and progress in Precambrian geology.  From the characteristics of distribution, age, properties, structure, and composition of Precambrian continental crust, and continuity and irreversibility of craton and crustal evolution, Prof. ZHAI then described Precambrian geological features and the unsolved vital scientific problems.  Lastly, He presented the strategic planning and the priority fields of China’s Precambrian geology research.   

At the end of the seminar, Prof. ZHAI had an open discussion with the audience and answered all the raised questions.  The seminar was concluded with the warmest applause.      

(Provided by BI Xianwu, LIU Shen and CHEN Hongwei. Translated by XIAO Yi)

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